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By Bartosz

April 21, 2021

Season 2: In The Middle of The Season

This story isn’t about a specific TV series but about watching a TV series at all. Imagine joining a team watching 'Prison Break' or 'Game of Thrones' in the middle of the season e.g., you started watching from episode 6.

You don’t understand the plot, the storylines and the characters’ behavior at all - an irritating consequence of not watching from the beginning. The frustration of not being able to find out what is going on and who is who. The inability to make predictions about the plot development could drive you to stop watching the series altogether.

Thanks to Netflix, there is no problem watching TV series when we want. However the true reality is that if we didn’t start watching when somebody else did, we won’t understand what they are talking about.

And this is the reason why QA should be engaged from the beginning of the project.

It doesn’t matter if QA joins a project as an outsourcing company (sometimes clients want to check IT projects by outsourcing QA) or enters a project from an IT partner - QA will not understand the client’s requirements and recognize all complexities thoroughly.

QA should pour its heart into the project and be loyal to it. In Hatimeria, QA is part of the development team at every stage of the project, it even helps in the offer process by auditing the customer current solution to understand the pain points. What is essential is that QA’s responsibility is not just testing but also increasing product quality.

QA's job is to increase quality development work

If the client defines their business goals and the key of e-commerce is increasing the scale of sale while maintaining quality and margin (if the margin decreases and the quantity grows, the revenue is lower anyway), the role of QA is more crucial. An increase in scale, more orders, more people in the warehouse, a higher cost, a decrease in profitability - a client decides to optimize his e-commerce and rebuild new functions, features, plugins. The day-by-day project IT is bigger it expands at the seams, and decomposition occurs. The communication path is completely blocked. The main goal is broken. No one remembers what the fundamental reason to start was.

No One? Wait! We Have QA!

Working from the beginning together with the QA and developers team is the only correct approach. Close cooperation between QA and developers is an immediate cause of future gains, successful involvement in the business process, understanding of what works.

Of course, lean principles and agile tools bring us a wireframe to keep the project rolling in the right direction without losing focus. Working closely with the customer daily, forming a self-organized team, the well-defined definition of done, and more - it all helps. We still have to remember - 'Working software' is one of the four core values in the Agile Manifesto - having a QA team involved in the whole process is a great way to support that value effectively, and verifying that “Working software” means the same for the Development team and the Stakeholders.

And If you want to know how to build QA engagement into the IT project, see our next text on the blog.

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Work titan, in-depth analytic, lover of good and only very good coffee. Loves traveling, Thai food and his dog Jimmy. Always oriented toward reaching goals, hates when things don’t go according to plan.

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