Apple Pay - a way to increase your sales

The Rake

At Hatimeria we’ve implemented Apple Pay payments for our client The Rake. The decision to use only Apple Pay was dictated by our analysis of the specific customer profile. More than half of purchases are placed by US customers and 47% of traffic is generated by iOS-powered devices.

Integration with Magento

A person holding a phone
The Rake - mobile version

The Rake is a PWA ecommerce and content platform that utilizes Magento2 as a PIM and for the checkout process. Currently available integrations of Apple Pay for Magento2 come bundled with a specific payment gateway, such as Braintree, Adyen, Stripe. They all allow a new payment method to be used in the checkout. This means that customers have to go through the entire checkout process as before and Apple Pay is used solely as a credit card storage and authorization service. This undoubtedly simplifies the entire flow as it does not require to use 3D Secure roundtrip. At the same time it does not utilize Apple Pay’s full potential to make checkout as easy and fast as possible.

VueApple Pay

Does two checkouts mean twice the amount of work?

At first it may look like trying to use Apple Pay as a standalone checkout will require double the work for the basic checkout. We need to be able to provide the ability to choose addresses, fetch available shipping methods or calculate taxes. This process has its strictly defined order in Magento. In order to get available shipping methods or calculate taxes we need to provide a shipping address. Luckily Apple Pay checkout comes with its own SDK (Service Development Kit) which handles all those actions. It allows the store to execute additional logic in the applet when the customer changes the data. We can therefore easily refresh the shipping methods once the address changes. When the customer chooses a shipping method, the final price is calculated.

Our user interface was built using Vue.js, one of the most popular libraries for this purpose. In the backend, integration provided by our payment processor worked properly with the API layer. This meant that there was no additional work required. All in all, a separate checkout with Apple Pay took about 15 hours of work.

Do we really need a cart?

A person holding a phone

Once we finished checkout with Apple Pay integration we asked ourselves if there was a way to streamline the checkout flow even further. Is it actually necessary to perform three separate actions before starting the checkout? The customer must first add an item to the cart, then go to the cart page and only then can the ordering process start. However, from the customer's perspective, the process starts with the first click on the “Add to Cart” button on the product page. For those instances when customers want to purchase only one item, those two additional steps are unnecessary. Apple Pay doesn’t require an actual cart to be created before starting the applet. We can also gather all the product data we need on the product page. Why then can’t we give the customer the option to start the checkout by adding an item to the cart? This way we could reduce interaction to two elements, start the checkout, and authorize the payment in the Apple Pay applet.

With this in mind we took it upon ourselves to try to implement one-click checkout from the product page. Our goal was to add the “Checkout with Apple Pay'' button next to the standard “Add to Cart” button. Eligible customers will then have the option to use it instead of the standard cart-checkout flow.

We stumbled upon two important problems.

In one working day, we managed to find solutions to both of these obstacles and to provide a feature that allows to purchase a single product from the product page.

  • 1
    Apple Pay requires its applet to be initialized right after a user interacts with an element on a page. This means it's impossible to make an API request in the background with add to cart data.
  • 2
    The second issue is that Magento doesn't allow to have more than one active cart per session. If the customer already had products in the cart, then Apple Pay checkout (initialized from the product page) would process all the items.


  • 83%

    Checkout with Apple Pay: 83% of which 80.5% from the website, 17 orders from the app (this is the only stage where Apple Pay is currently available)

    From 1 to 16 January 2020 on the website: 8.8% (together with the app 10%)

  • 6.5%

    First day: 6.5% of orders paid with Apple Pay

  • 7.8%

    All Apple Pay orders from the end of November to mid-December 2019: 7.8%

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